World Spine Day – Walking and Posture


The World Spine Day is October 16th and the theme for 2016 is Straighten Up and Move. Millions of people in all continents of the world suffer with spinal disorders. This can include low back pain, neck pain, scoliosis, and disc disease to name but a few. Spinal pain and disability can have a profound effect [...]

World Spine Day – Walking and Posture2017-12-07T17:03:55+10:00

Stronger legs with The Lunge


Fx fit training at Melbourne Osteohealth provides a solid base for injury recovery, rehabilitation and development of optimal mobility and function. The lunge is a challenging exercise for your lower body strength and upper body co-ordination. This video shows the initial exercise using a pole to maintain good posture. We'll present some variations in following [...]

Stronger legs with The Lunge2016-06-24T23:16:17+10:00

Fx Fit Pilates – Neutral Spine


The concept of 'neutral spine' or maintaining useful posture in different positions and under increasing loads is central to clinical pilates. Sitting at your desk, slouching on the couch OR while you're walking down the street are all activities in which you can 'lose' your neutral spine, encouraging poor movement patterns and setting yourself up [...]

Fx Fit Pilates – Neutral Spine2017-12-09T13:53:43+10:00

Fx Fit Pilates – Transverse Abdomen


Transverse Abdomen (TA) Activation - Find it and Strengthen it This muscle has been much debated in fitness circles for decades. For many practitioners, the concept of 'strong core' often either: - OVERLOOKS this muscle - to focus on your Obliques and Rectus Abdominus (the "6 pack" muscle); or - OVERLOCKS this muscle - maintaining [...]

Fx Fit Pilates – Transverse Abdomen2020-01-30T13:55:40+10:00
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