Pilates & Clinical Exercise Therapies

Rehabilitation is crucial in recovery from injury & illness, Personalised Exercise Prescriptions Deliver Faster Results

Who we see

We provide Clinical Pilates and Rehabilitation for people from all walks of life and our services are suitable for people with a broad variety of complaints.

  • People recovering from surgery like discectomy or laminectomy, joint reconstructions and cesarean sections
  • Women who experience pelvic girdle pain, hip pain or low back pain following childbirth
  • Athletes at all levels of competition, with acute or chronic injuries
  • Elderly people who are interested in developing strength and flexibility, and falls prevention
  • People who work long hours at their desk, looking to improve their posture and mobility
  • People living with chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome and chronic back pain
  • People living with headaches and migraines

How we treat

Our Osteopaths are highly skilled in the use of exercise prescription to relieve pain and improve your health and performance. Depending on your clinical needs, we offer one-on-one and small group training. We incorporate a number of exercise based interventions:

  • Clinical Pilates – to help develop core strength and control, and for fine-tuning how you move
  • Functional Mobility – to improve your flexibility and joint range of motion
  • Resistance Training – to build muscle strength and neuromuscular control
  • Neurodynamic Techniques – to normalise nerve mobility and decrease sensitivity, which can be helpful following spinal disc and nerve pathology
  • Proprioceptive Training – to help improve your balance and prevent the risk of falls
senior fitness
physical therapist assisting young man
training otheraphy

Choose your Clinical Pilates and Rehabilitation therapist

We will use Clinical Pilates and Rehabilitation skill, knowledge and experience during a treatment to help you return to normal, healthy function. Each therapist has different areas of interest and expertise, please read about them and choose the one that might be right for you.

Dr Melinda Vicino
Dr Melinda VicinoSenior Osteopath
Mel is Senior Clinician and Mentor at MOH. A background in tennis and a young family of her own mean Melinda has a keen interest in sports injuries and osteopathy for children & pregnancy related conditions.

When she’s not at MOH Mel also works as a work-place ergonomics consultant.

Dr Jason Lee
Dr Jason LeeOsteopath
Jason is a keen weight trainer, his interest in biomechanics and movement lead to a career in osteopathy. Jason has a deep understanding of movement and manual therapy for performance and injury recovery.

Jason is the man to see for lifting injuries.


If you’ve chosen the Osteopath you would like to see, use our convenient online booking form to see available times and make an appointment now!


If you need help choosing an Osteopath, call us on (03) 8370 3044 to speak to one of our friendly team. We’ll happily help you work out who is most suited to see you.

Satisfaction Guarantee

If at any time, you are not satisfied with our care or service, contact us and we’ll happily arrange a free second opinion with another MOH practitioner.

Conditions We Treat

Why Choose Us

Frequently Asked Questions