Improving hip function


Improving hip function The hips have a big job, they have to move about a lot and carry the entire trunk while they do it so they're one of those areas of the body that often get sore. And at times it can be difficult to work out [...]

Improving hip function2018-11-30T14:19:54+10:00

Pilates and your knees


Pilates and your knees Pilates is often thought of as solely focused on "the core" and restricting that to a region somewhere in the trunk near the belly button. But you need to think much broader than that. Pilates is about control, co-ordination, strength and good form, which [...]

Pilates and your knees2018-11-30T14:03:44+10:00

Pilates and Function Fit – a powerful combination


An Intelligent Approach Pilates at Melbourne Osteohealth is part of our approach to functional fitness; helping you to move better and feel better and addressing any specific problems or issues you may have (e.g. sore back, stiff neck, hip pain, shoulder pain etc.) It is an intelligent approach to exercise & rehabilitation; a personalised program [...]

Pilates and Function Fit – a powerful combination2020-03-31T11:06:03+10:00
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