Women’s Health Week 2019


Women's Health Week 2019 This week is Women’s Health Week and it is time to focus on promoting health for all women and educate women about health statistics and what we can do to improve our overall health. According to research done by the Australian Government: Australian institute [...]

Women’s Health Week 20192024-12-30T21:20:00+10:00

Everyone seems to be talking about their AMAZING Exercise Physiologist – but what is an EP?


Everyone seems to be talking about their AMAZING Exercise Physiologist - But what is an EP? Accredited Exercise Physiologists (or AEPs) are university qualified allied health professionals. They are dual qualified, having to attain Accredited Exercise Scientist status on their professional pathway to becoming an Accredited Exercise Physiologist. [...]

Everyone seems to be talking about their AMAZING Exercise Physiologist – but what is an EP?2024-12-30T21:06:31+10:00

In need of a little motivation to move?


In need of a little motivation to move? Every time you lace up those sneakers to exercise you: Increase endorphin production and improve mood - effectively treating and/or decreasing the risk of anxiety and depression Improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity - effectively treating and/or decreasing the risk of diabetes, obesity [...]

In need of a little motivation to move?2018-12-28T22:11:27+10:00
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