Last month we introduced our very own, very awesome rehabilitation program – Function Fit. So this month we thought we’d give you a little sneak peak into how it works to build one of our most basic functional movements, the squat.

The starting point is to be able to achieve and maintain good spinal alignment or ‘neutral spine’ positioning so we’ll start you doing this in a range of positions. Then we’ll start to add movement and load to help you develop useful movement and loading strategies.

The best part about our program is that we’ve tried to keep it accessible to everyone by ensuring fair and reasonable pricing… so for about what you’d expect to pay for a personal training session each week, you get a tailored program and two sessions a week with a qualified and experienced MOH therapist. We think that’s pretty awesome value!

Wondering if Function Fit can help you?

Book an appointment to find out.

In general MOH news Melinda will be finishing up to have bub #2 on May 26 and her diary is filling fast so call us on 83703044 or book online to get in while you can.

Yours in good health,

The MOH Team