Everyone seems to be talking about their AMAZING Exercise Physiologist – but what is an EP?


Everyone seems to be talking about their AMAZING Exercise Physiologist - But what is an EP? Accredited Exercise Physiologists (or AEPs) are university qualified allied health professionals. They are dual qualified, having to attain Accredited Exercise Scientist status on their professional pathway to becoming an Accredited Exercise Physiologist. [...]

Everyone seems to be talking about their AMAZING Exercise Physiologist – but what is an EP?2024-12-30T21:06:31+10:00

Managing cholesterol with exercise


Managing Cholesterol with Exercise High Cholesterol Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is in part consumed in our foods and in part produced by our liver to supply our cells with the right building material for cell wall and hormone construction. At the right levels it’s necessary and [...]

Managing cholesterol with exercise2018-12-04T14:14:07+10:00

Exercise Guidelines: Resistance


How much exercise is enough? What is resistance exercise? Resistance exercise is any exercise that uses external resistance to improve muscular fitness. This includes using traditional free weights (dumbbells, kettlebells or barbells), weight machines, body weight, elastic tubing, medicine balls or household items like milk jugs or cans. By [...]

Exercise Guidelines: Resistance2018-12-04T14:53:33+10:00
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