The World Cup has started, much to the delight of all sporting fanatics. With Australia part of the 32 nations present, we’ll all be keeping a close eye over how they go, even if it means getting up extra early!!
Over the next month, the one thing that will be certain is how teams prepare their star players for the upcoming event. After a big season for many players, player management will be vital to preventing sporting injuries throughout the next month.
Just prior to the World Cup, Italian manager Prandelli left out one of his key members out of the squad due to the risk of “re-injury being too high”. Giuseppe Rossi, the player involved, had been out for 4 moths prior after a serious knee injury. Returning a player sooner than expected is always a gamble, both for the player and team.
Sporting injuries, unfortunately, are a part of the sporting landscape. They happen with overuse, a direct impact or when the application of force is greater than the body part can structurally withstand, hence causing damage to the specific body region. Injury prognosis can vary depending on the specific type and nature of the injury. Injury treatment and management, therefore, is vital, as adequate treatment and rest is necessary for complete recovery and return to sport. Having a good management regime is definitely a bonus in preventing any early injuries
Staying ahead to help prevent any disaster from happening is definitely one way in reducing your chances of having any serious problems. Whether you’re a professional football player or just a weekend warrior, the same principles apply. Here are a few dot points in help you prepare for your physical activity.
- Warm up thoroughly by gently going through the motions of your sport and performing slow, sustained stretches.
- Wear appropriate footwear.
- Tape or strap vulnerable joints, if necessary.
- Use the appropriate safety equipment, such as mouth guards, helmets and pads.
- Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after the game.
- Maintain a good level of overall fitness.
- Don’t exert yourself beyond your level of fitness.
- Use good form and technique.
- Cool down after sport with gentle, sustained stretches.
- Allow adequate recovery time between sessions.
Make sure you always check in with your Osteopath if you do get injured or have had a history of serious injury. Our Osteopaths are trained to assess and evaluate you and offer tailored advice in helping you avoid any future issues. Proper treatment and management go a long way in staying fit, healthy and on the pitch.
Go the Socceroos!!