Debilitating back pain of some form will affect 80% of us in our lifetime. It’s also the biggest cause of incapacity for people under 50.
Back pain can vary quite a bit but generally includes aching or stiffness anywhere along the spine. Depending on the cause it may include a radiating pain that you feel in the buttock, thigh, calf or toes.
Best practice in treating back pain includes staying relatively active (e.g. walking) and manual therapy (such as osteopathy) is recommended [1] . Your osteopathy program will focus initially on pain management and relief, using massage, gentle mobilisation or manipulation to treat the issues of the back and/or neck.
As your pain settles, physical activity, such as Clinical Pilates, can help enhance the effects of treatment and address the factors that contributed the development of your back pain. Pilates is especially useful because our tailored intensive program can address issues such as:
- correcting muscle imbalances, for example weak abdominal muscles leading to over-used hip flexors;
- improving control of movement through better muscle recruitment patterns;
- enhancing strength and flexibility to improve, for example, your running or lifting technique.
These are often critical factors in preventing the recurrence of back pain and helping you transition back into your previous work, exercises and activities safely.
Studies have shown the Pilates method can be used by patients with low back pain to improve pain, function and factors related to quality of life. Reduced pain also coincided with lower use of pain reliever medications in people with low back pain who performed Pilates [2] .
The Function Fit programme at Melbourne Osteohealth incorporates Clinical Pilates and Functional training and begins with a comprehensive assessment of your strength, flexibility and movement patterns. This allows us to tailor a program that works from your current capabilities and builds toward what you’d like to achieve. Each session is then personalised by our highly qualified practitioners to target your needs and goals.
If you have back pain and are interested in improved activity levels, reduced pain and a better quality of life call us on 83703044 and find out how our personalised Pilates program can help you.
[1] Low back pain in adults: early management, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, May, 2009:
[2] Natour, Cazotti, Ribeiro, Baptista and Jones, Pilates improves pain, function and quality of life in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial, Clinical Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1177/0269215514538981