At Melbourne Osteohealth we know and LOVE that Australia is a nation of sports-mad participants and spectators and our relatively mild winters mean that for most of us, outdoor activity is a year round pleasure.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), over 60% of Australians participate in regular sport and exercise programs. According to the Monash University Accident Research Centre however, approximately 5.2 million of us suffer sport-related injuries each year, most commonly (in order) to the lower limb, back and shoulder.

These sorts of sports injuries peak in the months of May, June and July. This is not surprising because cold muscles, tendons and ligaments are more readily injured, and wet or slippery playing surfaces are less predictable (as are the movements of an opponent on these surfaces).

BUT… Don’t let the fear of sustaining an injury stop you from playing this winter!

Regular exercise has been shown time and time again to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, mental illness, dementia and many types of cancer (particularly breast and colon cancer).  The benefits clearly outweigh the risks.

Dr Peter Larkins, noted sports medicine specialist (and Olympic athlete) recommends that in order to reduce the risk of a winter sports injury:

  •      Get the correct advice on the right activity program for you
  •      Warm up and cool down
  •      Have the correct equipment for your activity
  •      Begin slowly and gradually build up to the challenge
  •      Keep hydrated
  •      Listen to your body
  •      Give yourself one or two recovery days each week
  •      Rest an injury, don’t try to ‘work through’ the pain
  •      Progress at your own pace and don’t overdo it

Before beginning any new exercise program,we recommend that you check-in with a Melbourne Osteohealth Osteopath, especially if you’ve had a previous injury or other musculoskeletal condition.  Our Osteopaths are trained to assess or evaluate your body and offer tailored advice to help guide you in avoiding winter sports injuries.

Regular exercise and Osteopathy are the perfect combo for keeping fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle so why not come and see one of our Osteopaths today?