World Diabetes Day 2020


World Diabetes Day World Diabetes Day is held annually on November 14, the same day in 1922 insulin was discovered by Sir Frederick Banting and Charles Best. Diabetes is a chronic condition characterised by high levels of glucose in the blood. As the incidence of diabetes has increased, so [...]

World Diabetes Day 20202024-11-04T12:19:49+10:00

What exactly is diabetes and how can you reduce your risk of getting it?


What is diabetes and how can I reduce my risk? Diabetes Awareness Week In 2015, 71% of men, 56% of women and 27% of children were found to be overweight or obese in Australia. Each and every one of these Australians are at  increased risk of developing heart [...]

What exactly is diabetes and how can you reduce your risk of getting it?2024-12-30T21:18:52+10:00

The awesome health benefits of working with an Accredited Exercise Physiologist


The awesome health benefits of working with an Accredited Exercise Physiologist Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEPs) are university educated allied health professionals. They specialise in the delivery of clinical exercise, lifestyle and behavioural modification programs for the prevention and management of chronic disease and injury. Exercise Physiologists have completed [...]

The awesome health benefits of working with an Accredited Exercise Physiologist2024-12-30T21:16:24+10:00

Meet Carlton Exercise Physiologist – Marissa Hoey


Meet Carlton Exercise Physiologist – Marissa Hoey Marissa is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist here at Melbourne Osteohealth Carlton, after having relocated from the Sunshine Coast. She completed her Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology at the University of the Sunshine Coast and then undertook a research project exploring exercise [...]

Meet Carlton Exercise Physiologist – Marissa Hoey2024-12-30T21:11:05+10:00
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